costars vendor number 008-581
Projects / K-12 / Franklin Smedley School – Renovations of Existing HVAC‐Boiler Plant Addition
Franklin Smedley School – Renovations of Existing HVAC‐Boiler Plant Addition
GEM Mechanical was recommended to Mastery Charter Schools (the building occupant) by the building owners and the engineer based on prior work that GEM completed with these firms. This contract involved the installation of a new boiler and renovation of an existing heating and ventilation system and existing building Fan Room found to be inadequate for the school’s use. GEM’s work included adding a boiler, new steam control valves, new control panels, new bypass feeders, new chemical feeders, new air separators, and blow‐down separators. Existing pipe, equipment, and breeching was removed to make way for the new equipment and materials. The existing chimney was repointed and lined with a new stainless steel liner. The work need to be completed in a short timeframe and done as to not disturb students during school hours and school testing schedules. GEM also worked with the owners logistically to limit disruption to the teacher parking. Full system training was completed.